Keith Miller

Keith is passionate about sharing the social history of North Shields with individuals and groups of all ages.

He was born in the town and attended schools there during his formative years. As a teenager he was an active member of Memorial Methodist youth fellowship and after going to Leeds University he returned to teach in Ashington and North Tyneside before working as a Senior Lecturer at Northumbria University in the Education Department.

Keith has always been keen to embrace using new technologies to support learning and engaging young people in developing understanding of their environment through the use of active learning approaches.

He is particularly interested in developing the use of technologies initiated by the Heritology project to stimulate excitement and interest for individuals of all ages in finding out more about their local area and the people who influenced it.

He has a strong family connection with North Shields with relatives from his past working along the quayside, participating in civic duties, laying down their lives in the “Great War” and playing an active part in the local community. 

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